What Is Architecture?
Architecture is the art and the science of building, designing, and planning structures or other buildings. Architectural projects, at the common material form such as buildings, can be perceived as artistic works and as cultural statements. However, there is a great difference between art and architecture. Architecture is concerned with the practical implementation of design; it deals with buildings and spaces as a set of objects for living, working, and other purposes.
Architects have traditionally had a very narrow scope. Their primary concerns were with form and function, as opposed to visual aesthetics. In architectural terms, “Architecture” refers to the arrangement of materials and structure, not with the beauty of the end product. Architectural aesthetics, on the other hand, generally refers to how a building looks from the outside. Modern aesthetic theory is more concerned with how a building or space looks from inside.
Modern architectural design has come a long way since the days of the tiled house. The development of interior architecture has undergone significant changes in recent history. In fact, architecture is now an international field, embracing different disciplines, including art, design, and technology. Interior architecture also takes into consideration the ways people will use spaces in the building or the home. For example, people who live in high-rise apartment buildings may want to have open space, where they can exercise and relax. Similarly, people who are moving into a new home or a single family house will need some sort of garden or open space to create a sense of independence.
Interior and exterior designing cannot be complete without the knowledge of space management. This is why architects should have a broad range of skills, including design thinking, technical skills, and knowledge about the physical structures of the buildings that they are designing. Good architects should also have knowledge about the history and current uses of buildings. A good architect should be able to incorporate various approaches in the design of a building. This can include the use of form following function, the use of space planning, environmental considerations, or the use of stylized materials such as steel, glass, wood, concrete, or stone.
Architectural services encompass both the creation of physical structures and the design of those structures. Although architectural engineers can build physical structures, the vast majority of architectural designers are responsible for the design of the buildings and landscapes. Architecture is a process that starts with a proposal and is completed with the building’s layout, including the materials used, the positioning of physical structures, the design of the landscape, the lighting and other outdoor features, the ventilation system, the construction materials, and other related aspects. Architectural services encompass the creation of the blueprint of the project, which is then produced by an architect and his or her staff. The architect can also oversee the implementation of the plans.
It is the job of the architect to create a vision for the space he or she is designing. He or she must envision the end result in a “dry” form – in this case, the blueprint of the structure. Dry framing means that the architect and his or her team focus on the details of every aspect of the design. As you can see, architecture is more than just designing buildings.